
Cycle menstruel



Hypofertilité masculine

Médecine par les plantes, la nutrition et l'activité, mode de vie, acupuncture

Méthodes diagnostiques

Méthodes naturelles de régulation des naissances

Analysis of natural family planning failures. In 7007 cycles of use

Characteristics of women associated with continuing instruction in the Creighton model fertility care system

Couple Beads: An integrated method of natural family planning

Creighton Model NaProEducation Technology for avoiding pregnancy. Use effectiveness. - PubMed - NCBI

Evaluation of the Lady Free Biotester® in determining the fertile period

Factors influencing the choice to use modern natural family planning

Fertility awareness-based methods for contraception

Fertility Awareness-Based Methods: Another Option for Family Planning

Fertility Awareness–Based Methods for Family Planning and as an Alternative to Hormonal Contraceptives for Therapeutic Reasons

Modern Natural Family Planning and the Family Physician

Natural family planning III. Intermenstrual symptoms and estimated time of ovulation

Natural family planning IV. The identification of postovulatory infertility

Natural family planning. I. The peak symptom and estimated time of ovulation

Natural family planning. II. Basal body temperature and estimated time of ovulation

NFP programs provide consumer choice, benefit hospital

Pilot test and validation of the Peak Day method of prospective determination of ovulation against a handheld urine hormone monitor

Pregnancy Probabilities During Use of the Creighton Model Fertility Care System



Restauration de la fertilité, anomalies du cycle, etc..

Traitement chirugical

Traitement de l'endométriose

Traitement des kystes ovariens récidivants

Traitement des OPK

Traitement médical - Divers

Traitement médical FCS

Traitement médical Hypofertilité inexpliquée

Traitement médical SPM