
Cycle menstruel



Hypofertilité masculine

Médecine par les plantes, la nutrition et l'activité, mode de vie, acupuncture

Acupuncture and assisted reproductive technology

Acupuncture for polycystic ovarian syndrome

Chinese herbal medicine for subfertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome

Chinese herbal medicines for unexplained recurrent miscarriage

Comparing the Effects of Echinophora-platyloba, Fennel and Placebo on Pre-menstrual Syndrome

Conditioning exercise decreases premenstrual symptoms: a prospective, controlled 6-month trial.

Dietary factors and luteal phase deficiency in healthy eumenorrheic women

Differential Behavioral Effects of Gonadal Steroids in Women with and in Those without Premenstrual Syndrome

Effect of a nutritional supplement, optivite, on symptoms of premenstrual tension

Energy-containing beverages: reproductive hormones and ovarian function in the BioCycle Study123

Estrogenic and Progestagenic effects of extracts of Justicia pectoralis Jacq., an herbal medicine from Costa Rica used for the treatment of Menopause and PMS

Herbal preparations for uterine fibroids

Preconception lifestyle advice for people with subfertility

Preconception lifestyle advice for people with subfertility.

Psychological and educational interventions for subfertile men and women

Méthodes diagnostiques

Méthodes naturelles de régulation des naissances



Restauration de la fertilité, anomalies du cycle, etc..

Traitement chirugical

Traitement de l'endométriose

Traitement des kystes ovariens récidivants

Traitement des OPK

Traitement médical - Divers

Traitement médical FCS

Traitement médical Hypofertilité inexpliquée

Traitement médical SPM