
Cycle menstruel



Hypofertilité masculine

Médecine par les plantes, la nutrition et l'activité, mode de vie, acupuncture

Méthodes diagnostiques

Méthodes naturelles de régulation des naissances



Restauration de la fertilité, anomalies du cycle, etc..

Traitement chirugical

Traitement de l'endométriose

Traitement des kystes ovariens récidivants

Traitement des OPK

Traitement médical - Divers

Traitement médical FCS

Références sur le traitement médical de prévention des fausses couches spontanées

Antimüllerian hormone and pregnancy loss from the Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction trial

Chronic Endometritis Due to Common Bacteria Is Prevalent in Women With Recurrent Miscarriage as Confirmed by Improved Pregnancy Outcome After Antibiotic Treatment

Combined oestrogen and progesterone for preventing miscarriage

Corker CS, Michie E, Hobson B, et al: Hormonal Patterns in Conceptual Cycles and Early Pregnancy. Brit J Obstet Gynaecol 83:489-494, 1976.

Csapo A: Effects of progesterone, pros tag lan din F2á and its analogue ICI 81008 on the ex cit abil i ty and thresh old of the uterus. Am J Obstet Gynec 124:367-378, 1976.

da Fonseca EB, Bittar RE, Carvalho MHB, Zugaib M: Pro phy lac tic ad min is tra tion of proges t er one by vaginal sup pos i to ry to reduce the incidence of spon ta ne ous preterm birth in women at in creased risk: A ran dom ized placebo-con trolled – blind study. Am J Obstet Gynec 188:419-424, 2003.

Daya S, Ward S, Burrows E: Progesterone Profi les in Luteal Phase Defects and Outcome of Progesterone Treatment in Patients with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion. Am J Obstet Gynecol 158:225-232, 1988.

Fausses couches spontanées précoces répétées: quelle prise en charge proposer en 2006?. Lejeune V. Gynécologie obstétrique & fertilité. 2006;34(10):927–937.

Johnson C, Lee PA, Zachary AS, Calhoun S, Migeon CJ: High-risk prematurity – progestin treat ment and steroid studies. Obstet Gynec 54:412-418, 1979.

Johnson JWC, Austin KL, Jones GS, Davis GH, King TM: Effi cacy of 17 -hydroxyprogesterone caproate in the pre ven tion of pre ma ture labor. N Engl J Med 293:675-680, 1975.

Kauppila A, Hartikainen-Sorri A-L, Janne O, Tuimala R, Garvinen PA: Sup pres sion of threatened premature la bor by administration of cortisol and 17 -hy droxy proges t er one caproate: A com par i son with Ritodrine. Am J Obstet Gynec 138:404-408, 1980.

Klopper A, MacNaughton M: Hormones in Recurrent Abor tion. J Obstet Gynecol 1022-1028, 1966

Lye S, Porter D: Demonstration that proges t er one blocks uterine activity in the ewe in vivo by a direct action on the endometrium. J Repro Fertil 52:87-94, 1978.

Meis PJ, Klebanof M, Tom E, et. al: Pre ven tion of re cur rent preterm de liv ery by 17 -hy droxy proges t er one ca proate. N Engl J Med 348:2379-2385, 2003.

Progesterone in Women with Recurrent Miscarriages

Progestogen for preventing miscarriage

PROMISE: first-trimester progesterone therapy in women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriages - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, international multicentre trial and economic evaluation

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Reproductive Endocrinology Precis, 2nd Edition, Washington, D.C., 2002.

Spontaneous Abortion Risks in Man: Data from Reproductive Histories Collected in a Medical Genetics Unit. Warburton D, Fraser FC .Human Genetics. 16:1-24, 1964.

Traitement médical Hypofertilité inexpliquée

Traitement médical SPM