
Cycle menstruel



Hypofertilité masculine

Médecine par les plantes, la nutrition et l'activité, mode de vie, acupuncture

Méthodes diagnostiques

Méthodes naturelles de régulation des naissances



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Antimüllerian hormone and pregnancy loss from the Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction trial

Blood flow changes in the ovarian and uterine arteries in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who respond to clomiphene citrate: correlation with serum hormone concentrations

Depression, anxiety and stress among female patients of infertility; A case control study

Effect of Environmental Tobacco Smoke on Levels of Urinary Hormone Markers

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Evidence for the involvement of β-endorphin in the human menstrual cycle

Garrido N, Pellicer A, Remohi J, et al: Uterine and Ovarian Function in En dometri o sis. Sem Reprod Med 21:183-191, 2003.

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Is Anti-Müllerian Hormone Associated With Fecundability? Findings From the EAGeR Trial

Is human fecundity changing? A discussion of research and data gaps precluding us from having an answer

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Neuropeptide levels in premenstrual syndrome

Nutritional factors in the etiology of the premenstrual tension syndromes

Periovulatory beta-endorphin levels in premenstrual syndrome

Role of Anti-Müllerian Hormone in pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a review

Restauration de la fertilité, anomalies du cycle, etc..

Traitement chirugical

Traitement de l'endométriose

Traitement des kystes ovariens récidivants

Traitement des OPK

Traitement médical - Divers

Traitement médical FCS

Traitement médical Hypofertilité inexpliquée

Traitement médical SPM